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Congenital Pouch Colon: A Rare Variant of Anorectal Malformation: Histopathological Perspective with Brief Review of Literature


Dhiraj B Nikumbh, Kishor H Suryawanshi, Sudhir Singhavi, Poonam Pagare, Akshay Surana

Congenital pouch colon is an extremely rare variant of anorectal malformation (ARM) in which all or part of colon is replaced by a pouch like dilatation that communicates distally with the urogenital tract by a large fistula. Congenital pouch colon differs from normal colon structurally, histologically and functionally. The incidence of congenital pouch colon among all cases of anorectal malformation in northern India has been reported to be between 5-10%. Rest of the India and around the globe handful of documented case reports was noted. The mortality from congenital pouch colon has decreased from 40% to 15%, if identified and managed properly. Herein, we report a case of 10 days male child presented with congenital pouch colon in view of a rare congenital anomaly. We enlighten the detailed histopathological findings in this case as there is paucity of literature of congenital pouch colon.