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Primary (poorly diff erentiated) sclerosing liposarcoma of the temporal region. An uncommon tumor in a rare site: A case report


Anuradha C. K. Rao, Vidya Monappa, Sandeep Kumar

Liposarcoma (LS) in the head and neck region is a rare tumor. The sclerosing variant of LS is a subtype of well-differentiated LS characterized by areas of conventional LS admixed with hypocellular areas of stromal sclerosis that show atypical lipomatous cells. The (poorly differentiated) sclerosing LS, on the other hand, is more cellular with atypical, pleomorphic and often bizarre giant tumor cells admixed with atypical lipoblasts. We report a case of poorly differentiated sclerosing LS of temporal region in a 49-year-old man. Radiologically, the tumor was dumbbell shaped with intra and extra cranial extension. In this case, we discuss the clinicoradiological and pathological findings of an unusual tumor in a rare location.